Hello there, my name is Marina Boboçi, I am 18 years old and I live in Berat.I am currently studing to a professional school about becoming an aesthetician when I came across an amazing training about digitalization that was organised by the Regional Development Agency Berat (RDA) in collaboration with GIZ Albania.
My first impression of the training was incredible, I am a people person and I really enjoy being aroung aspiring young people my age that want to become better in the future.
I am a positive person by nature but I didn’t knew that I could use meditation to help me turn a bad day into a good one. That was really interesting to note.
During the course I learned about brainstorming ideas in the digital age and how to get connected with other people very easily. I was looking for a project to do on the side when I came across my old paintings that I was doing during my free time. I was myself impressed on my skill and the process of painting so much that inspired me to start again. And this time using the digital skills in the course.
In the course I learned that there is an online catalogue of all the paintings ever made, called Google Arts & Culture. It was amazing in this online platform I can get inspired by art movements during the history of art as well as classify my own paintings to develop my own style in a specific painting category.
I also used social media to promote my own paintings and help me get recognized by my community for my talent in painting. I cannot say how amazed I was when I sold my first painting. Yeah!
For my such wonderful experience I cant thank enough my two trainers who helped me and guide me through the this journey. Also I have to thank RDA Berat together with Giz Albania for providing me with this amazing course for free.